is your national partner for all service requests to the homecare social economy enterprise nearest you.

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in all 17 administrative regions of Quebec

Our Services

  • Caring for floors and floor coverings.
  • Dusting frames and knickknacks, windowsills, and fans and blinds.
  • Cleaning surfaces of household and electronic appliances, doors and wood paneling, sinks and faucets, counters and furniture, baths and toilet bowls, and lamps and mirrors.
  • Emptying the trash.
  • Sorting clothing for laundry, drying, ironing and folding; putting away clothing in closets and changing sheets.

Regular housekeeping is covered by the Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services (PEFSAD).

  • Cleaning the interior of household appliances and furniture (refrigerator and freezer, oven, range hood and kitchen cabinets).
  • Uninstalling, cleaning and reinstalling curtains, blinds, frames and photographs.
  • Moving large furniture and household appliances.
  • Reorganizing storage spaces.

Heavy housekeeping work is covered by the Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services (PEFSAD).

Our caregivers are trained to cook simple meals for diets without medical restrictions in your home.

  • Being aware of specifications and checking available food.
  • Preventing food waste.
  • Preparing and reheating simple meals for diets without medical restrictions.
  • Maintaining workspaces and putting away equipment and products.

The preparation of meals without medical restrictions is covered by the Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services (PEFSAD).

With your vehicle or the caregiver’s vehicle*, caregivers can accompany you during errands, shopping at the grocery store or the pharmacy, or to your financial institution.

*Additional fees possible

Grocery shopping and other errands are covered by the Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services (PEFSAD).

Our caregivers provide a structured home service to temporarily relieve family caregivers and fill their role of being there for the assisted person.

Our caregivers are discrete and respectful. They allow individuals who have lost autonomy to retain their dignity in the comfort of their home.

  • Personal hygiene (partial or full grooming, washing hair, cutting nails and hair, brushing teeth and dentures, and so on).
  • Help getting dressed.
  • Help eating.
  • Help getting up and going to bed.
  • Help managing bladder and bowels.
  • Distributing and administering medicines.
  • Taking mouth temperature and blood pressure.